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Congratulations to the team of Asso. Prof. Jin-Shyan Lee for receiving two "Excellence Awards" in the MorSensor Competition held by the National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 15, 2018. 2019/01/10
Congratulations on Prof. Yo-Ping Huang being elected to be the IEEE SMCS BoG (Board of Governors), term: 1/2019~12/2021. 2019/01/02
Reminder : The exhibition of Special Topics will be held on 11th Dec., in the Integrated Complex building. In order to attract more students to join this affair, a prize-giving activity will be held at the same day. Please refer to the students association of EE department for details. attachments2018/12/07
Year End Party for International Students of EE department 2018/11/26
Presentation of the Special Topics classes for junior students will be held in the 2nd Lecture Hall of Integrated Technology Complex at 27th Nov. (12:00~14:00) 2018/11/15
Congratulations to Asso. Prof. Jin-Shyan Lee for receiving the "Outstanding Youth Award" from the Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association (TFSA), Nov. 6, 2018. 2018/11/14
Congratulations to Prof. Yo-Ping Huang's student , Dr. Ningthoujam Avichandra Singh, for receiving the Best Dissertation Award from the Taiwan's Fuzzy Systems Association, Nov. 6, 2018. 2018/11/12
107-1 Reference books for QE 2018/10/02
student/advisor agreement 2018/09/12
Please finish the processes of advisor agreement 2018/09/07
important newsThe period of the 107-1 application for qualifying examination (QE) 2018/09/07
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