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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 體育
::: 體育 0學分
課程名稱 體育
英文課程名稱 Physical Education
中文課程概要 本校體育課程目標為鍛鍊健全身心、促進身心健全發展、培養運動道德、發揚團隊精神及養成終身運動習慣。四技一、二年級實施專項分組教學,由具有專長之教師授課。開課項目:籃球、排球、桌球、羽球、保齡球、射箭、高爾夫球、網球、體操遊戲、慢速壘球、太極拳、國際標準舞、體適能、國術。學生得按自己興趣選擇修習。
英文課程概要 All students are required to attend two hours per week of Physical Education class. This requirement applies to Freshman and Sophomore students, classes are interest-oriented, thus giving students the opportunity to select specific activities they are interested in. Choices include Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bowling, Archery, Golf, Tennis, Gymnastics, Slow pitch, Tai Chi Chuan, Ballroom Dancing, Physical Fitness and martial arts, to mention a few.
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