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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 服務學習
::: 服務學習 0學分
課程名稱 服務學習
英文課程名稱 Service Learning
中文課程概要 本課程目標乃是協助學生透過有意義之社區服務活動,認識服務學習理念,從服務學習中體驗服務的意義,深化學習的領域、擴大自己的生活範疇與生命歷練。 課程內容:包含三大類 (一)志願服務基礎課程:選取志願服務相關主題,由授課教師於課堂上講述。可包含服務學習理論、內政部志願服務法所訂定之六大主題(志願服務的內涵、志願服務倫理、自我了解及自我肯定、志願服務經驗分享、志願服務法規之認識、志願服務發展趨勢),或非營利組織、服務機構之介紹等等。 (二)社區服務:選擇服務機構前往服務,於本學期內完成授課教師所規定服務時數或內容。 (三)課堂討論與反思:學生必須進行服務經驗分享與討論,並撰寫與繳交服務日誌、心得報告。
英文課程概要 This course is geared to expand and intensify students\' learning beyond classroom by introducing service learning as an integral part of holistic life learning experience. Apart from class work, students will be able to not only understand the significance of services and experience the true value of such learning through various forms of community work. The course is designed to deepen their learning and life experience. I. Core curricula of services: The course is structured on the framework of six themes in service learning by theory and practice as well as legal regulations regarding community services enacted by the Ministry of the Interior. The six themes respectively are: significance of service; standards of service; self-comprehension and affirmation; sharing service experience; service law and trends; and non-profit and service organizations. II. Community service: Students select or be arranged to service organizations and are responsible for completing service assignments
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