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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 勞作教育
::: 勞作教育 0學分
課程名稱 勞作教育
英文課程名稱 Campus Custodial Services
中文課程概要 本課程目標是協助學生透過校園環境整理及打掃體驗活動,認識勞作教育之理念,從勞作課程中養成同學不怕苦、不怕難與不怕髒的企業家精神,使學生透過實際的勞作課程,培養學生手腦並用,勤勞愛物的觀念,培養學生健全的人格、良好品德、正確的價值觀及刻苦耐勞的工作態度。 課程內容:包含四大階段 (一)勞作教育理念介紹:選取勞作教育相關主題,由授課教師於課堂上講述。可包含勞作教育意義、勞作教育前測作業說明 (二)勞作教育實作階段:勞作課程分三項不同情境施作。 (三)課堂討論與反思:學生必須於各實作階段課程進行討論與反思,並撰寫心得報告、完成後測作業。 (四)期末成果分享:勞作教育期末成果分享,並辦理獎勵工作。
英文課程概要 The purpose of this course is to introduce the idea of labor service to students. Students who take this course have to participate in the campus cleaning activities. This is to help students building up: (i) the team-work abilities; (ii) the concepts of ethics; (iii) the abilities of concerning the society. In addition, the course would help students to develop the accurate attitudes in the daily life and the healthy personalities. Furthermore, this course would also help students to enrich the sense of humanities. Four stages are included in this course: (i) the introduction of the labor service, (ii) the field work studies, (iii) the class discussions, and (iv) sharing of the experiences of the labor service.
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