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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 物理
::: 物理 6學分
課程名稱 物理
英文課程名稱 Physics
中文課程概要 本校之普通物理課程專為工程科系背景之同學設計,主要的目的是鼓勵同學參與大自然運行奧秘、法則之探索,並供給爾後修習專業課程之堅實基礎。本課程之內容包含力學、熱力學、聲學、電磁學、光學及近代物理。教授者可按每週三小時、二個學期的時間設計、再參酌各系不同之需求、加強或節略某些章節。
英文課程概要 The course is designed for the students with engineering background. The theme of this course is to encourage students to participate in the discovery of laws and wonder of nature, and to solidate the foundation for the particular courses of study for different departments. The contents of this course include mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, electromagnetics, optics, and foundation of modern physics, etc.. The lecturers will emphasize or abridge certain contents based on the individual needs of departments. For this course, there will be 3 credits for each of two semesters, and 3 lecture hours per week.
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