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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 物理實驗
::: 物理實驗 2學分
課程名稱 物理實驗
英文課程名稱 Physics Lab.
中文課程概要 本課程的目的是為了:1.驗證物理理論之真實性,2.培養同學認真的科學態度與方法,3.培養同學數據處理的能力,4.啟發同學自行設計解決量度問題的方法。課程之施行分為上下兩學期,每一學期為一學分三小時。上學期的內容偏重力學、波動、熱力、流力之實驗,下學期的內容則偏重電磁、光學、近物之實驗。
英文課程概要 In this course there will be 1 credit for each of two semesters, and 3 laboraborial hours per week. The first semester experiments involve mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, and waves, etc.. The second semester experiments contains electromagnetics, optics, and modern physics, etc.. The purposes of this course are 1: to identify the physical laws, 2:to cultivate the ability of data reduction of students, 4: to instruct the students solving the problems of measurements of measurements by self-designments.
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