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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 學生自選向度
::: 學生自選向度 2學分
課程名稱 學生自選向度
英文課程名稱 Optional dimension curriculum
中文課程概要 修完「學院指定向度課程」12學分後,剩餘6學分可在人文與藝術向度、社會與法治向度、自然與科學向度及創新與創業向度自由修滿,達到通識畢業18學分。
英文課程概要 After completing 12 credits “designated by the college”, the remaining 6 credits are open for selection form these curriculums: humanities and art, social and legal, nature and science and innovation and entrepreneurship, until a total of 18 credits of the general curriculum are completed for graduation.
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