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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 校外實習
::: 校外實習 2學分
課程名稱 校外實習
英文課程名稱 Internship
中文課程概要 本課程主要目的為讓學生可以利用暑期或其它時間至學校認可之校外公私立機構進行或參與實習,以增進學生之實務能力。學生於學校認可之校外機構實習總累計時數不得低於320小時。學生實習期滿後須由實習機構出具實習證明並應依據本系規定繳交實習相關成果報告,彙交本系保存,並作為成績核定之依據。
英文課程概要 The main purpose of this course is to elevate an all-round ability for the students at NTUT. During the summer break or other periods of time, students are required to go to government-based organizations or industry/business-oriented agencies recognized by the school with respect to promoting practice of ability. The course takers will need to stay in the same individual organization or agency with an accumulated amount of time of no less than 320 hours. After students complete their internships, the internship certificates must be issued by the internship institutions and the relevant internship reports should be submitted in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Electrical Engineering for preservation and used as the basis for the assessment of grades.
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