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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > IC佈局設計與實務
::: IC佈局設計與實務 3學分
課程名稱 IC佈局設計與實務
英文課程名稱 Design and Practice of Integrated Circuit Layout
中文課程概要 本課程將介紹layout(佈局)和先進製程的密切關係,從佈局設計流程之基本觀念及 EDA 軟體的使用到更深入探討 layout 的架構設計和先進製程中layout遇到的瓶頸和困難;課程內將教授並探討不同實務架構的layout問題和解決方法,其中包含標準電路元件(Standard cell)、記憶體 (Memory) 、類比暨混合信號 (Analog and mixed signal),最後透過本課程的期末報告練習,可了解實務界中layout design的挑戰和對未來先進製程的重要性並提升學生往後在業界的競爭力。
英文課程概要 Integrated circuit (IC) layout design plays a big role in the current semiconductor industry, especially for the most advanced technology. This course explores the big task of IC layout design and the practical problems with solutions in different layout fields, such as standard cell design, memory design, analog design, and mixed-signal field. This course introduces the students to the process, tools, and methodology of IC layout design. Moreover, it also provides the students with the insight into the exciting field of semiconductor technology and electronic devices. By going through the final project and competition, students will be brought to the next level of layout field and will have a wider vision to realize IC layout design.
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