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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 企業經營管理與財務管理
::: 企業經營管理與財務管理 3學分
課程名稱 企業經營管理與財務管理
英文課程名稱 Corporate Finance Theory and Practice
中文課程概要 教學目標:企業經營管理之主要目的,在於選擇有利於企業經營基本的經營議題,並針對企業競爭力之相關要素,建構競爭優勢基礎要件,以達成企業經營目標。 課程綱要: 管理之重要性 策略之制定 競爭與合作下之經營模式 權益證券評價模式 負債證券評價模式 資本結構理論 投資專案評估 參考書籍: (1) Ross,Thompson, Christensen, Westerfield and Jordon, 2004,"Fundamentals of Corporate Finance," 3rd ed.,McGraw Hill (2) 謝劍平,財務管理--新觀念與本土化,智勝 (3) 李吉仁、陳振祥,2004,企業概論︰本質、系統、應用, 第二版,台北︰華泰文化出版公司 (4) Bartlett, Christopher A.; Sumantra Ghoshal; and Julian Birkinshaw. 2003. Transnational Management: Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management. Boston: McGraw Hill. 。 成績考核: 分組報告30%,期中考30%.期末考40%
英文課程概要 【Course Plan】 Course Objective: The main purpose which enterprises manage, lie in choosing to help enterprises to deal in the basic management topic , and to the relevant key element of enterprise\'s competitiveness, build and construct the basic important document of the competition advantage , in order to reach enterprise\'s operations objective. Course Outline: Importance of Management Setting-up for Strategy Cooperation and Competition Business Model Valuation models of equity securities Valuation models of debt securities Capital structure theories Valuation of investment project Text & Reference Material: (1) Ross,Thompson, Christensen, Westerfield and Jordon, 2004,"Fundamentals of Corporate Finance," 3rd ed.,McGraw Hill (2) 謝劍平,財務管理--新觀念與本土化,智勝 (3) 李吉仁、陳振祥,2004,企業概論︰本質、系統、應用, 第二版,台北︰華泰文化出版公司 (4) Bartlett, Christopher A.; Sumantra Ghoshal; and Julian Birkinshaw. 2003. Transnational Management: Text, Cases,
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