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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 科技產業的管理與行銷
::: 科技產業的管理與行銷 3學分
課程名稱 科技產業的管理與行銷
英文課程名稱 Management and Innovation of High-Technology Business
中文課程概要 本課著重於科技產業的管理與革新,並強調科技產業的行銷,誠為科技專業人士不可忽略的要項。主要內容涵蓋:1.科技產業特質的認識,2.產業的革新與管理,3.電子商務管理與設計,4.高科技產業的風險管控與分析,5.科技產業的市場與行銷。
英文課程概要 Nowadays, organization and enterprise customers have tightened their enthusiasm for tech spending, monitoring more carefully the returns from investments in technology. High-tech products and services are introduced in turbulent, chaotic environments where the odds of success are often difficult to ascertain. This course is designed to provide frameworks for systematic decision making about marketing in high-tech environments, to foresee the increasing impacts of technology innovation on business process reengineering, and to offer insights about how marketing tools and techniques must be adapted and modified for high-technology products and services.
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