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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 工業科技英文
::: 工業科技英文 3學分
課程名稱 工業科技英文
英文課程名稱 English for Electrical Engineers
中文課程概要 認識通俗科技文章及科技學術論文語法、文體、結構組織等特質,並探討技術報告及論文撰寫方式。 本課程授課包括約三分之一的時間在語言教室練習職場英語。
英文課程概要 This course helps the learners recognize the syntax, style, and organization as far as the papers on technology and technical writings are concerned. Discussions include specific ways to technical presentation and technical writings. The coursed is also devised to include about one third of total teaching hours to practice English, particularly used in office or work, in the language laboratory.
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