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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 就業達人講座-創造力提升就業力
::: 就業達人講座-創造力提升就業力 1學分
課程名稱 就業達人講座-創造力提升就業力
英文課程名稱 Lecture for Enhancement
中文課程概要 在面對全球平均每一天誕生7.8個新科博士、平均每小時產出6.5個碩士及平均每分鐘製造0.7個大專生的高學歷高就業競爭環境下,台灣1111人力銀行公佈調查指出,87%的台灣應屆大學畢業生擔心畢業即失業,較去年增加約10%,企業主要招聘以積極度為首要考慮,比率為50.89%,技能專業證照居次,表達能力、履歷陳述方式、畢業科技、應對進退禮儀、外語能力及實習經歷等也受到重視。如何提昇學生就業能力,將成為學校培育人才的重要課題。  就業達人講座配合最後一哩課程開設,於課堂中以模擬面試等議題來強化同學就業知識;面對激烈的人才競爭環境,必須不斷充電,提高競爭力,也要聰明掌握工作時間與效率的方法,職場不僅要會『做事』更要會『做人』才能在職場上如魚游水,讓你成為未來職場大贏家!
英文課程概要 This course is designed to foster a student\'s ability to effectively communication skill, time management, pressure management, interview and the planning of the career by the human resources personnel and executives in the distinct industries to promote students the power of career competitive. Being able to effectively communicate is a skill that enhances many areas in life. In a job interview, clear communication is of the utmost importance, as employers are looking for people who can seamlessly fit into an existing setting and perform well under pressure. For today\'s world is full of competition, everyone is trying to outpace others in the race. Students need to face competitors from all over the world. If students need to succeed in a world full of competition. They will need deeper learning to succeed in college and prepare for careers. Therefore, these courses will benefit students in the long run.
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