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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 雲端運算原理與實務
::: 雲端運算原理與實務 3學分
課程名稱 雲端運算原理與實務
英文課程名稱 Principles and Practices of Cloud Computing
中文課程概要 課程介紹雲端資訊計算與運用相關技術,使學生對雲端平台、架構、服務有全面性瞭解。課程內容包括: 1.雲端運算發展近況及基本概念2.資源虛擬化之基本概念與技術,3.雲端運算相關技術、效能與安全,4.虛擬化資料中心建置-虛擬計算、儲存、網路與應用,6.雲端服務規劃,7.雲端之基礎設施服務、平台服務、軟體服務介紹,8.專題討論。
英文課程概要 Cloud Computing, either private, public or hybrid, is dramatically transforming every aspect of IT. Now it has become ubiquitous these days, and is the key foundation for developing technologies of Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT). Its deployment starts delivering applications with more benefits than the existing legacy infrastructure. Because the terms are broadly quoted and adopted, then by this course, the Cloud Computing core technologies and the associated below will be well introduced: 1.Cloud Computing Basic Concept 2.Resources Virtualization & Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) 3.Cloud Computing Security 4.Cloud Technologies 5.Cloud Service Planning and Deployment 6.Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 7.Platform as a Service (PaaS) 8.Software as a Services (SaaS) 9.Cloud Service Operations 10.Case Studies and presentation
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