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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 電源供應器設計實務
::: 電源供應器設計實務 3學分
課程名稱 電源供應器設計實務
英文課程名稱 Power Supply Design Principal and Practice
中文課程概要 畢業新鮮人在進入職場後,往往需要1-2年時間了解及熟悉其工作內容,對於學生及企業而言都是很大的時間成本。學生在進入職場前具備一定專業與實務經驗可有效縮短適應週期,本課程希望協助學生在走出校門前已具備一定的實務經驗,結合其所學理論使其在進入職場後更快速的吸收專業能力,以達到就業無縫接軌的目的。本課程主旨為電源供應器設計實務,內容包括: 1. 電源產品分類及產業現況 2. 電源技術現況 3. 電源設計與生產流程 4. 電源設計方塊圖與關鍵方塊線路解析 5. 零件選用原則 6. 設計生產與成本考量 7. 失效模式分析方法 8. 設計方案書撰寫 9. 電源專用英文單字介紹
英文課程概要 For an IT company, it will take 1-2 years to train newcomers who graduate from technology college to become skilled engineers. This is costly for both the graduated student and the company. To reduce the cycle time, It is very important for students to be partially skilled before graduating from the college, not just on the basis of their academic scores. This course will focus on power supply design, its principle and practice skills for students who may be interested working within a power supply company. The chief purpose of this course includes the following : 1.Power supply product and industry introduction 2.Power supply technology, current status and it trend 3.Power supply design and manufacturing process 4.Power supply design block diagram and circuit analysis 5.Component selection principle for power supply design 6.Cost consideration on design and manufacturing 7.Design failure mode analysis method 8.How to prepare a design proposal 9.English vocabulary for pow
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