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:::首頁 > 公告事項 > 實習徵才 > 公告4026內容
::: 美光將於2024/4/23、4/24、4/29舉辦線上暑期實習面談!
公告期限:2024/03/29至2024/07/29 公告人員:周仁祥




1.填寫美光實習申請表Internship Interview Application form並上傳您的履歷

2.至美光職缺官網Micron website搜尋 “2024 intern” 完成應徵



Thanks for applying 2024 Micron Internship and be interested in our internship program.

We are holding an online internship interview on April 23rd, 24th, and 29th.


Please complete the following step to apply the online internship interview.

STEP 1: Fill in Internship Interview Application form to upload your resume

STEP 2: Search & apply “2024 intern” on Micron website

After the completion of above 2 actions, you will expect to wait for our application reviewing, and then you will receive interview link if you pass the qualification.




Talent Acquisition        
Micron Technology, Inc.

10608台北市忠孝東路三段1號 電話:(02)27712171 #2100 傳真:(02)27317187
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