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::: 【重要通知】112-2應屆畢業研究生新增「學位論文相似檢測輔助系統」使用說明
公告期限:2024/06/06至2024/08/26 公告人員:曾志福




1.    除原Turnitin比對及申請圖書館複核流程外,新增至國圖檢測系統比對流程,詳如上圖紫色圓圈處。
2.    國圖檢測系統比對流程說明如下:
(1)    申請本校論文系統建檔帳號,申請方式請參見論文系統「建檔說明」中「1.帳號申請」頁籤,帳號建置完成後,即可登入論文系統,並於左上角點選「論文檢測」連結至檢測系統。
(2)    將已完成之論文初稿上傳至國圖檢測系統,請留意以下注意事項:

  • 比對次數僅限5次(第4、5次須待24小時候方可上傳),請審慎使用。(此為國圖規定,本校無法自訂次數)
  • 請上傳包含封面、摘要、目錄、本文及參考文獻之完整文稿,如文稿不完整可能無法正常進行比對剖析。
  • 論文比對的目的為提供同學自我檢視文稿,請勿使用不當手段技術性規避比對,以免違反學術倫理及影響學校研究風氣。

(3)    檢測完成後,請自檢測系統上下載比對報告
(4)    將該份比對報告上傳至Turnitin中「國圖報告上傳作業區」(範例)

※    因本學期時程緊湊及國圖「學位論文相似檢測輔助系統」限制頗多,如來不及於最近的口試前完成國圖系統比對,可於事後補檢測,惟請務必於電子論文上傳前完成。




  • 國圖系統帳號申請:林小姐,校內分機3136、weiling@ntut.edu.tw
  • 國圖比對系統操作、比對報告及圖書館複核:李先生,校內分機3113、af7440@ntut.edu.tw

The new similarity detection system, WriteAid Similarity Scanner, from National Central Library is now on trial from 5/30-7/31. To ensure academic integrity, every graduate student who has the oral defense this semester must run the similarity report on WriteAid and complete the library review from now on. Follow the instruction below.


1.    In addition to running the Turnitin report, follow the purple circles as above to run the WriteAid similarity report as well.
2.    What you have to do to run a WriteAid similarity report:
(1)    Register an account from our Electronic Theses & Dissertations System (ETD System). Follow the guide “1.Account Registration” here. After you have an account, you can access the “Similarity Scanner” in our ETD system.
(2)    Upload your draft approved by your advisor to WriteAid Similarity Scanner. Please note:

  • You can run the report only 5 times. Don’t waste any of it. (It is limited by NCL and we have no choice to follow.)
  • The full-text you upload should be a complete thesis, which includes cover, abstract, the contents, references, etc.
  • Do not cheat on the report.

(3)    After you got the report, download the report.
(4)    Upload the report to Turnitin assignment “Upload the report to the National Central Library's WriteAid Similarity Scanner” for library review.

※    If you cannot complete everything before your oral defense, you can run the report after your oral defense as a make-up. However, please run the report BEFORE you upload your electronic thesis. 

After finishing everything above, please finish the following process, including signing the checklist and providing 2 complete similarity report to your advisor.

For more details, please refer to our website:

Or contact:


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